I was cutting my fingers nails 5 minutes ago and a feeling suddenly "pop" up......I was doing nothing relevant to it and no other influences, I just miss them suddenly...SUDDENLY!!!!!!!!
The Unsung Heroes!!!( I used to change my laptop background into this pic when I was not in study mode. It works!!I will be more focus if i see them^^)
The last time I met them was 2 months ago. While waiting Panitia to verify me results and certs, I do chat with most of them. Pn. Lee Ai Ni is just as nice as last time, I will never forget we played aeroplanes with her during Moral Class.Vincent is going to retire this year. Pn. Lim gave me alot of encouragement! The way I communicate with Tam Sir is still same......~_~'''Too bad...I didn't manage to talk to Lee Chek Tin!I met him at Jusco last Sunday.I was paying my Bil and he was talking in his hp. Ah Toon is the most patient teacher i had never see before and Mr. Kutappan :"Kita Masih Kawan!"I miss them!!!
and my fellow friends......I miss you all as welllll....See you guys on coming gathering yea......^_^
I cant wit for this to launch!!!!!!!!!!
D: This is not interesting.. Coz i'm not involved XD
ceh....everything will be interested without u!!
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