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LOVE'S BITE ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My right arm


Wei yen said firmly, its a love's bite......~_~'''Does it really look like?!

I admit that i m a careless person. ( i am also extremely alert and sensitive in some particular situations) I am only careless in taking care my self i think because there is always many new scars on my body and i wouldn't remember where, when and why i was injured. I will only get know to it when i am taking bath. Co man sense, wound will be very painful when it expose to water. So, i use to have scars all over my body ex specially hands and legs.

Ohh...Of course, that wasn't a love's bite.I hit the badminton pole yesterday.I only realise it before i take bath which was 5 hours after the hit. It gave me a big shocked because it was very blue and purplish. I only feel the pain started at the moment i realise my injury.

Ya...I have a latest scar

This is on my left feet. i think i scratched the angle of my table, my chair, my bed or neither of them...^_^


M!ngShi said...

stimulus cant function well....haha ^-^ .....照顾好自己啊。。。

bAtMaN said...

Thx 4 ur concern......^^

Sheng Wang said...

take care of your self..

Anonymous said...

u.. made me speechless =.=""
sweat like pool XD

Sheng Wang said...
